It isn’t limited to just one unique style, like krumping, breaking, or popping and locking. Instead, it mixes those styles and many more, including movement elements from swing dancing, modern jazz, and even ballet! It’s an approach to choreography that is consciously in tune with hip-hop music’s music, beats, and grooves without being defined or limited by some of its unique characteristics, like freestyling or the cipher. Hip-hop is a vast world of moves and styles built into the choreographer’s lexicon-like tones on a color wheel. It’s a celebration from the birth of street dancing to the complete domination of hip-hop in commercial and artistic spaces everywhere. It’s the umbrella under which the visual language of hip-hop culture lives and flourishes. To put it simply, hip-hop dance is the wide world of movement and visual styles that are now forever associated with hip-hop music and can be used by any choreographer and dancer to celebrate the genre.
Hip Hop