What is the Clave?

What is the Clave?

The clave is traditionally a wooden instrument consisting of 2 sticks which are struck together to make a clicking or tapping sound.  Nowadays, sometimes it is a plastic hollow rectangular “box” which may be hand-held or mounted on the drum set – the timbales, cowbell, cymbal, woodblock, etc.   And sometimes the clave rhythm sounds...

Counting Music

Counting Music

Hey guys… I know we have been discussing this particular topic ALOT in class lately.  This is the MOST IMPORTANT topic when it comes to your dancing.  I have found this article on the internet which should be quite helpful.  Though this article is focused for the On2 dancers, the same principles can be applied...

Salsa and Mambo Timing and Rhythm Lesson

Salsa and Mambo Timing and Rhythm Lesson

Everyone knows that dancing is about music. Everyone except for many who take dance classes (!!) and lose themselves in turn patterns and crazy styling. Get in touch again with the real core of dancing, by understanding the music and its relation to your movement. Then, but only then, you can proceed to learning turn...